Newton resident Ellen Foust loves Bullough’s Pond and takes some incredible photos there. You are invited to an opening reception on Tuesday, September 17th in the 2nd Floor Gallery at City Hall from 5:30 to 7:30 pm. Ellen Foust will be answering questions not only about her photographs, but also about how she uses iPhone photography as a daily relaxing “visual meditation” practice. Light refreshments will be served. She has recorded a 30-minute interview with Jay Sugarman of NewTV in which she explains why she photographs the pond and discusses many of the individual images which can be viewed on her website: www.ellenfoust.com. The exhibit will shown through September 30th at City Hall. Find more information at https://www.newtonma.gov/government/parks-recreation-culture/cultural-development/mayor-s-gallery
Artist statement:
Bullough’s Pond Beauty: From Cloudscapes to Closeups is a glimpse into my project to enjoy the beauty of Newton’s Bullough’s Pond in all seasons, weather, and times of day. Since 2018, I have been watching the sky in my Newton Center yard, and whenever I see interesting clouds, I drive the mile to Bullough’s Pond to photograph what I see in the sky above and in the water reflected below.
Channeling my inner Monet, I never tire of using similar compositions, because the light, weather, and color are ever changing, making the scene look different from minute to minute, day to day, and season to season.
Creating these photographs with my iPhone is a relaxing meditation that has kept me grounded and centered for six years through the pandemic and multiple personal challenges. When I am creating photographs of the pond, I am returned to joy.
About the artist:
Ellen Foust is an artist, fine art photographer, and photo educator who lives in Newton with her husband, Jeff. When she is not at Bullough’s Pond, she can be found teaching iPhone photography at the Brandeis Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (BOLLI) or walking around Newton with her head pointed at the clouds.