Mayor Fuller has asked the Community Preservation Committee (CPC) to approve the issuance of $15.2 million in bonds, backed by Community Preservation Act revenue, to purchase 17.4 acres of Webster Woods from Boston College.
The CPC held a public hearing on the proposal in the City Council Chamber on November 6th.
The following week, on November 12th, the CPC will meet to discuss and vote on the proposal. No public testimony will be heard during this meeting.
The CPC website describes the meeting as follows:
This meeting’s only agenda item will be CPC deliberations on the Webster Woods funding proposal. To preserve the confidentiality of some supporting information for the proposal, the CPC may conduct a portion of these deliberations in an executive session, which would be closed to the public. However, this meeting will open as a public session, and the CPC will return to a public session for any funding vote(s).
Newton Conservators enthusiastically supports this proposal.