Spring Birds in Cold Spring Park

Spring Birds in Cold Spring Park


Wednesday, 05/12/2021    
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Event Type

This program will begin at 7 pm and last approximately an hour. Please register in advance for this webinar since registrations will close at 3 PM on the day of the event. You will receive an email confirmation after you have registered. If after registering,  you cannot attend, please cancel your registration (as indicated on your confirmation) so someone else may use the slot.

Spring Birds in Cold Spring Park

Since one can easily access photos of the common resident birds by watching the fall webinar on Birds in Cold Spring Park, we will focus on the colorful migrant and summer birds of Cold Spring Park in this webinar. We will look at the two different orioles, our hummingbird, the tanager and grosbeak and then sort out the sights and sounds of the American wood warblers. These latter birds are found only in the New World. Getting to know their sounds and field marks can be a challenge. This webinar will provide a decent start on that project.

Our presenter is Pete Gilmore, who is a retired mathematician from Northeastern University. Pete has been a birder since 1951 and has been active in Newton’s Christmas Bird Count for 15 years. He writes a quarterly article on Newton’s birds for the newsletter and leads spring and fall bird and nature walks. Pete serves on the boards of the Newton Conservators and the Brookline Bird Club and is its field trip coordinator.

To sign up for this webinar, please register on our Zoom page.