Cheesecake Brook exemplifies the challenges facing urban streams. Today, the brook drains a watershed that is over 40% impervious. Stormwater runs off roofs, sidewalks, and roads and enters the brook leading to pollution, flooding, and degraded habitat. By investing in green stormwater infrastructure and bank restoration we can reduce aquatic pollution, promote healthier flow patterns, and create an attractive shaded wetland corridor for the benefit of residents and wildlife. How do we get there? Join Max Rome for a discussion of the brook’s history, condition, and current and future opportunities for restoration.
Max Rome is the Stormwater Program Manager at the Charles River Watershed Association. In this role, he works to advance projects and policies that reduce runoff, decrease nutrient pollution, and help to green watershed communities. Max completed his Ph.D. in Civil and Environmental Engineering from Northeastern University in 2022. His dissertation “From Water Quality to River Health” focused on understanding the connection between ecological restoration and improving water quality.
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