When you raise a wild bird when it’s orphaned or help it when it’s hurt, you are taken into its confidence. Julie Zickefoose will talk those experiences and about the unexpected mental and emotional capacities of birds, especially songbirds, which we tend to underestimate and overlook. Everyone knows that crows, ravens and parrots are intelligent, but have you thought about hummingbirds? Julie has a unique perspective, having been mother to six hummingbirds. And chimney swifts, cedar waxwings, mourning doves, cardinals and rose-breasted grosbeaks, to name a few. Join her for an intimate, eye-opening look at the rich mental and emotional landscape of birds.
Julie lives and works quietly on an 80-acre wildlife sanctuary in the back country of Whipple, Ohio. She is a prolific writer and painter who was an All Things Considered commentator for five years. Her illustrated work, The Bluebird Effect, was an Oprah’s Book Club pick in 2012. After 37 years of contributing art and writing to Bird Watcher’s Digest, Julie recently became Advising Editor to the new and improved BWD Magazine. Her heavily illustrated books include Natural Gardening for Birds, Letters from Eden, The Bluebird Effect, and Baby Birds: An Artist Looks Into the Nest. Her newest book is Saving Jemima: Life and Love With a Hard-Luck Jay, the intimate story of how an orphaned bird can save a soul. She is now writing about Carolina wrens.
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