Newton Conservators very much appreciates Membership Donations and General Donations. We also accept donations for specific uses through restricted funds. If you’d like your donation to be used for one of these specific uses, please use the form below and select the fund you’d like to give to.
Newton Conservators Restricted Funds
Land Acquisition
For research and expenses such as surveys needed to bring properties forward for potential acquisition.
Land Stewardship
To support and improve our three owned properties and to promote stewardship activities in Newton.
Ordway Endowment Fund
A permanent fund whose income will be used to support Ordway Park (our lovely pocket park in Newton Center) in perpetuity.
Riverside Trails
For the improvement and maintenance of the trails around Riverside Park including the Pony Truss and Pigeon Hill trails.
Trails Revolving Fund
For ongoing trail improvements and maintenance throughout the city as well as connections with surrounding towns.
Woodcock Meadow
For the restoration and maintenance of American Woodcock habitat at the small meadow in Nahanton Park.