Recent Photos February 26, 2020January 10, 2020 Some photos added to the website in 2019… (click any photo to open a slide show) Panoramic view of the salt storage area in Webster Woods Bare Pond in Webster Woods Bare Pond in Webster Woods Bare Pond in Webster Woods A Great blue heron visits Levingston Cove Norumbega Park Norumbega Park New trail and landscaping, Lost Pond Reservation Lost Pond Lost Pond Reservation Nahanton Park Nahanton Park Houghton Garden in fall Bare Pond in Webster Woods Hammond Pond Chestnut Hill Reservoir Brian Yates memorial, Hemlock Gorge A log in Hemlock Gorge A bumper crop of acorns A busy day on the Charles at Norumbega Park Great Egret in the Charles River at Cutler Park Nap time for a Mute Swan family Crystal Lake was closed for one week due to elevated cyanobacteria levels. Fishing in Crystal Lake Hammond Pond sunset Paddles and Picnics event at Crystal Lake, 2019 Global Water Dances, June 2019 Upper Falls Greenway Boardwalks built in 2018 by Bob and Michele Hanss, volunteer stewards for the Houghton Garden Webster Woods in the spring A Scarlet Tanager in Webster Woods The salt storage facility under construction A vernal pool spills out onto a trail in Webster Woods A canoe built by Mike Clarke