These BioBlitz events are part of a larger effort by Newton Conservators to document and raise awareness about the great diversity of plants and animals that inhabit Newton’s open spaces. At the beginning of the event, we will give a brief tutorial on the iNaturalist app, which we use to document species and as an identification aid.
Come explore the pollinators of Edmands Park and improve insect identi cation skills. Surrounded by stone walls and bordered by Boston College Law School on one side, this park contains woods, small clearings, wetlands, Edmands Brook, and a glacial esker. Its open oak forest contains beeches, locusts, maples, birches, and pines. Learn more about Edmands Park here. You can check out the current iNaturalist project including previous observations for Edmands Park here. This event is co-sponsored by Friends of Edmands Park.
Parking is available along Blake Street. Enter at North end near the old field habitat as shown in the map above.
Trip leader: Jonathan Regosin, a Director at Newton Conservators and Technical Advisor and Consulting Biologist for the Massachusetts Division of Fisheries & Wildlife.
For questions, email jonathan.regosin@gmail.com
Registration is optional but recommended so we can send you scheduling changes, directions or advice (such as about trail hazards) before the event and educational resources after it. Please register below.