These artists and photographers have generously permitted us to display their works on the Conservators website. Click on a name or image to see more. All works are copyright © by the artist.

Cindy Ryan
Artist Statement This series of oil paintings by Cindy Ryan of Newton Highlands shows dogs and their owners, socializing in Cold Spring Park on a late winter afternoon. These are

Cold Spring Park Art Installation–Mags Harries
A temporary installation by artists Mags Harries, Ross Miller, and Marty Cain, funded by National Endowment for the Arts, was placed in various locations in Cold Spring Park during the

Cold Spring Park Art Installation–Marty Cain
A temporary installation by artists Mags Harries, Ross Miller, and Marty Cain, funded by National Endowment for the Arts, was placed in various locations in Cold Spring Park during the

Cynthia Staples
Cynthia Staples is a Boston-based freelance writer and photographer. For nearly fifteen years she has worked with local education and environmental nonprofits as well as with national sustainability organizations. When

Daniel Jackson
Daniel Jackson is a photographer working primarily in black and white in the straight photographic tradition. Recent projects include portfolios of Houghton Garden; of the Chestnut Hill Waterworks, now the

Daniel Segrè
Daniel Segrè is Professor of Bioinformatics at Boston University. All images are Copyright © 2019, Daniel Segrè. Click on any image to open a slide show. Bare Pond, by Daniel

Dinora Felske Justice
Dinora Felske Justice’s award-winning landscape paintings reflect her deeply felt love of nature and concern for preservation. Her choice of exploring the natural environment exclusive of human occupation stems from

Ellen Foust
Ellen Foust is a fine art photographer with a passion for teaching. Since 2018, she has been exploring the clouds at Newton’s Bullough’s Pond. Like Monet with his haystack paintings,

Gene Mackles
Gene Mackles is a Newton painter and graphic designer. His paintings were exhibited in 2003 at the Newton Free Library. For more information, visit his web site. All images on