The Conservators’ Position on Webster Woods–July 2019

October 2019 Update

Read the current position of the Conservators on the preservation of Webster Woods

July 2019 Position

At its meeting on July 24, 2019, the Board of Directors of the Newton Conservators adopted this revised position on the preservation of Webster Woods:

The Board of Directors of the Newton Conservators reiterates its support of Mayor Fuller’s ongoing efforts to preserve the open space at 300 Hammond Pond Parkway.

The Board encourages Mayor Fuller, the Community Preservation Committee, and the City Council to preserve from further development by all available means the portion of Webster Woods owned by Boston College that is located to the west of Longitude 71.17837 W.  The approximate area to be preserved is located to the left of the red line and within the blue outline in the image below.

If not all this land can be preserved, the Board recommends choosing between portions of the land in the following order:  First, the woods west of the rear parking lot.  Second, the knoll between the rear parking lot and the area where the former temple is located. Third, the rear parking lot.

Note: This statement replaces the Board’s previous position, which was stated in a 2017 letter to candidates for mayor of Newton.


Learn more about the efforts to save Webster Woods