Come explore the plants of Edmands Park and improve your plant identification skills. These BioBlitz events are part of a larger effort by the Newton Conservators to document, and raise awareness about the great diversity of plants and animals that inhabit Newton’s open spaces. At the beginning of the event, we will give a brief tutorial on the iNaturalist app, which we use to document species and as an identification aid.
Surrounded by stone walls and bordered by Boston College Law School on one side, this park contains woods, small clearings, wetlands, Edmands Brook, and a glacial esker. Its open oak forest contains beeches, locusts, maples, birches, and pines. Edmands Brook is an intermittent stream. The brook empties into a large wetland, filled with frogs and tadpoles. The esker can be seen to the right as you enter the park from Blake Street. Note the sandy soil and the steep sides of the esker as you walk along its “back.” Learn more about Edmands Park HERE on the Newton Conservators website. You can check out the current iNaturalist project including previous observations for Edmands Park HERE.3
Learn how to use the iNaturalist app to take pictures for documenting what lives in Nahanton Park. Download this free and useful identification app to your phone or tablet beforehand from the Apple App Store for iOS or the Google Play Store for Android. HERE is an interesting article on iNaturalist from our Fall 2019 Newton Conservators Newsletter and HERE is a webinar video primer on its usage by Jon Regosin.
The leader for this event is naturalist Zach Schein. For questions, email Jonathan Regosin: jonathan.regosin@gmail.com. Parking is available along Blake Street – enter at North end near the old field habitat https://maps.app.goo.gl/KaDSRYGnynNHqbra7.
Registrants will be notified by email in case the event is canceled due to rain. Register for this FREE event below.
The weather is looking promising on Sunday between 3 and 5 pm but be prepared for rain just in case. On Sunday rain is expected in the morning and in the evening (but after our event). Download and register with iNaturalist on your phone before the event if possible.
Release Form
I hereby consent to participate as a volunteer in programs and activities of Newton Conservators Inc. I acknowledge and agree that activities performed as a volunteer are without any pay, compensation, or benefits. I agree to hold harmless Newton Conservators and its directors and volunteers for any and all personal injuries or property damages that I may have either before, during or after participation in Newton Conservators programs and activities. I hereby agree to protect and indemnify Newton Conservators and to reimburse to Newton Conservators any loss or damage or cost, including attorney’s fees, that Newton Conservators may have to pay if any litigation filed on my behalf arises from my participation in Newton Conservators programs and activities. If you are registering minors (under age 18), you must be the parent or legal guardian, and you agree to the minor’s activity. You assume full responsibility for any risks, injuries, and damages sustained or incurred by the minor.
Continuing the registration process for this event signifies your agreement with the above statements.
Bookings are closed for this event.