“Flora and Fauna of the Charles River” celebrates the Charles River with a virtual walk along the one-mile stretch of the river from Watertown Square to Bridge Street. For the Fall 2014 Newton Conservators Lecture, photographer and naturalist Carole Smith Berney presented a colorful and entertaining look at the river and pathway, featuring the wildflowers, birds, herons, ducks, turtles, and furry creatures found there. See the riverscape along with the people who walk, run, skate, bike, fish, and birdwatch along the path.
One portion of the show focuses on the efforts of Massachusetts DCR planner Dan Driscoll, with before and after shots of the Charles River Pathway. Berney is a Watertown naturalist, wildlife photographer, and nature educator. Inspired by her many walks on the Charles River Path in Watertown and Newton, she has documented life along the river in all seasons and weather over several years. Her “portraits” of animals help to enhance the community’s appreciation of the biodiversity and natural beauty found close to urban settings. She exhibits her work locally and presents slideshows for libraries, community groups, assisted-living facilities, senior centers, and schools.