Kennard Park and Conservation Area
This is a post-agricultural forest grown up on 19th century farmland. The mixed and conifer woodlands reveal colonial stone walls, a red maple swamp with century-old trees, and a Sensitive Fern marsh.
The park has a wooded hillside with puddingstone and Brighton Volcanic outcrops. Pigeon Hill is a woodland with a circular stone wall. The conservation area protects the South Meadow watershed. The house is the headquarters of the Newton Parks and Recreation Department, and is not open to the public.
Size: Park: 16 acres; Conservation area: 32.2 acres    Longest Walk: 1.7 miles, on loop including Lost Pond    Acquired: Park: 1982; Conservation area: 1978

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Owner & Administrator Websites
Photo Gallery
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Dr. Harrison Kennard bought the land. Previous owner used to shoot passenger pigeons on Pigeon Hill and sell them at Faneuil Hall.
City acquired 32.2 acres from the Kennard family.
More land and the house were willed to the city by Dr. Kennard for Kennard Park.
Birding, Conservation Area, Cross Country Skiing, Geologic Features, Meadow, Vernal Pool, Woods Trail
Additional Information
Newton Assessor’s Map ID: 82004 0023 and other parcels
ADVOCATES & CARETAKERS: Friends of Kennard Park; email:
Managed by Kennard Park Board of Trustees.
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