Do you like Monarch Butterflies? Did you know they need milkweed to sustain them in their caterpillar stage? Come learn a little about Monarch butterflies and various types of Milkweed. See how easy it is to raise Monarchs from finding a tiny egg on a milkweed leaf to a full grown colorful butterfly. Learn about planting and growing different native varieties of milkweed as well as other pollinator plants that feed the adults in a beautiful Monarch-centric pollinator garden.
If you raise monarchs or milkweed, please come and share your knowledge. This event will bring together those who would have milkweed seeds or plants and those who are willing to share them. We will have milkweed seeds / pods – common milkweed, swamp milkweed, and butterfly weed available. We may have monarchs at various life stages (caterpillar, chrysalis, butterfly) to show.
Garden tours of the two beautiful Wellington gardens will be available. Wellington Park also has an installation of one of the five “Story Walks” installed by Newton’s Pollinator Group.
This informal event will take place at the Monarch Garden / Monarch Waystation at Wellington Park on Kilburn Road in West Newton. Street parking is available on Kilburn Road (opposite side of street from the park only) or on nearby Lindbergh Avenue. For more info contact Ted Kuklinski (617-763-3470, tkuklinski@aol.com).
Check out our Newsletter article on raising Monarchs and a recently posted webinar video, Meet the Monarchs. Helpful monarch related websites include:
* www.monarchwatch.org
* www.journeynorth.org
* www.monarchjointventure.org
* www.makewayformonarchs.org
Meet the Monarchs – Newton Conservators Webinar on Raising Monarchs
The Life Cycle of the Monarch Butterfly – Nashua River Watershed Association