In the Spring of 2001, the Newton Conservators instituted a twice-yearly lecture series featuring experts in areas related to the open space mission of the Conservators. Peter Alden, well known naturalist and author, was the inaugural speaker on March 21, 2001.
Lectures are co-sponsored with the Newton Free Libary and normally will take place in the Druker Auditorium of the Newton Free Library (330 Homer Street). Thanks to the Newton Free Library for its cosponsorship of our lecture series.
Upcoming Lectures
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Past Lectures
Joseph S. Elkinton Professor of Entomology, UMass Amherst With the winter moth now invading New England's trees, attention is being given to long-term monitoring of [...]
Julie Coop Manager of Plant Health, The Arnold Arboretum To a packed house of tree lovers in the Library's Druker Auditorium, the Arnold Arboretum's Julie [...]
Allen Young Land Protection Advocate Newton's pure water originates in the Quabbin Reservoir in central Massachusetts, yet the area around Quabbin is unfamiliar to most [...]
Russ Cohen Environmentalist and wild foods enthusiast Learn to eat your way through the woods with the help of professional environmentalist and wild foods enthusiast [...]
Nick and Valerie Wisniewski Directors, Walnut Hill Tracking and Nature Center Have you ever see paw prints in the snow or mud and wondered just [...]