Levingston Cove is a portion of the Crystal Lake shoreline to the west of the bathhouse. It includes benches, a platform used for fishing, and an unofficial swimming area. In 1982, the cove was named in honor of Louise Levingston.
In October 2021, the City Council authorized spending $1.4 million in Community Preservation Act funds for the “Levingston Cove Improvements Project.” The project’s goals were to “correct erosion damage, install new features to better deal with runoff, and construct new accessible walkways.” (In February 2021, the Newton Conservators Board of Directors had urged the City Council to approve the project.) Construction began in November 2022 and was completed in November 2023.

The project was described in this article in the Conservators Newsletter:
Levingston Cove: Improving Recreational Offerings, Enhancing Wildlife Habitat
Fig City News article: Ribbon-cutting marks completion of Levingston Cove shoreline project at Crystal Lake
Photos after completion of project
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Construction photos
Photos of Levingston Cove prior to reconstruction
A Great Blue Heron visits the cove at dusk