Newton Community Farm


Newton’s last farm was saved from development in 2004 when the Newton Board of Aldermen approved the proposal by the Newton Conservators to use Community Preservation Act (CPA) funds to buy the farm.

This lovely piece of open space at a highly visible location near the Charles River and Nahanton Park has been farmed since 2006 by Newton Community Farm.


Size: 2.25 acres    Acquired: 2005



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Owner & Administrator Websites

Photo Gallery


about 1700

Farmhouse built.

1700 to 2000

Farm is in continuous operation. In the 20th century, Newton’s last farm is owned by the Angino family.


Jerry Angino dies, and farming ceases.


Farm is for sale; developer makes offer contingent on rezoning for multifamily housing use.


Newton Conservators negotiates purchase of farm; Newton Board of Aldermen approves use of CPA funds to buy farm, with conservation restriction to be held by Newton Conservators.


Board of Aldermen createsNewton Farm Commission to supervise the farm, with farming scheduled to begin in 2006. Commission selects Newton Community Farm, Inc., to operate the farm.


Farm or Garden

Additional Information

Newton Assessor’s Map ID: 83036 0009

During the summer and fall, produce from the farm is for sale at the farm stand; check website for details

Photos by Kenneth and Margaret Mallory

Purchase of the farm

Farming and gardening links

Environmental Show videos:

Panoramic view of Newton Community Farm at the time of its purchase by the City