The Color of Law - Richard Rothstein In, The Color of Law, A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America, national best selling author Richard Rothstein argues with [...]
Charles River Watershed Association (CRWA) is hosting a virtual public meeting to showcase a conceptual design for Cheesecake Brook that promotes climate resilience. The project [...]
The 59th Annual Meeting of the Newton Conservators (originally scheduled for May 6) will be held virtually on Wednesday, October 21, 2020 at 7 pm. [...]
The mammal and birdlife in New England has changed dramatically in recent years. Join noted author Peter Alden as he recounts the story of climate [...]
DCR is holding a virtual meeting to get public comments about proposed trail and cycling improvements along Quinobequin Road. Use this link to register for [...]
Election Day is November 3rd. Early voting is available to all Massachusetts voters, both in person and by mail-in ballot. This documents provides non-partisan information [...]