Explore Our New Website

After 16 years of incremental changes, the NewtonConservators.org website has received a complete make-over. Scott Lewis of Trailwebsites.com has modernized the appearance of our site, made it work better on smartphones and tablets, and added a host of new features.

History buffs might be interested in seeing how our website has changed over the years.

New Features

Open Space Map and Index

Our favorite new feature is an interactive index map of Newton parks and conservation areas.  The map has links to the pages describing each property.  And a “Filter by Features” box lets you see only the properties with a particular characteristic, such as accessible trails, boat launches, playgrounds, or ponds.


Each article (or “post”) has one or more “Tags” at the bottom.  This post has the tag “Website.”  Other tags include property names such as “Dolan Pond” and subject tags such as “Birds”.  If you click on the tag, you’ll see a page showing all the other posts with that tag.  Very handy!

Other Features

Other new features include a more comprehensive listing of land we protect, more complete information about upcoming events, a page where we seek volunteers to help us protect open space in Newton, and better links to maps of each property, including a Google map with driving directions.

Suggestion Box

If you run into a problem, such as a broken link, or have a comment or suggestion about the website, please fill out this form.

If you have a question or suggestion about the work of the Conservators, please contact us.