Charles River Path

by Alison Leary I live an easy walk from the Charles River Path, between Bridge Street and Watertown Square, and that is my green space in an otherwise urban setting.

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Bemis Dam

This drawing, by an artist named Jack Frost, appears in his 1938 book Fancy This: A New England Sketchbook. The drawing is entitled “The Only Rolling Dam in the Country.”

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Mary Lang

Mary Lang is an artist who attempts to communicate the intangible energy animating the visible world by aiming her camera at ordinary forms of landscape and space. She received an

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President’s 2018 Annual Report

Beth Wilkinson Remarks at the Annual Meeting It’s been another busy year for the Newton Conservators. I’d like to thank the 20 members of the board who have led walks,

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2018 Conservators Annual Dinner Meeting

Peter Alden: “Changes in New England Wildlife Over Time”   Peter Alden is a world-renowned naturalist, entertaining lecturer, ecotourism guide and author of 15 books on North American and African

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March 2018: Identify This Place

We received two correct entries to our March 2018 contest to identify the location where this video featuring peeping frogs was recorded: Cold Spring Park Marsh The two winners of

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Webster Woods: Articles and Documents

Recent Developments Concerning Preservation of Webster Woods Taking filed with Middlesex South Registry of Deeds Book 73890, Page 239 December 24, 2019 Newton moves to seize Webster Woods from Boston

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Jonathan Elcock

Currently living in Newton, Massachusetts, I am a physical therapy student who enjoys photography as a serious hobby. It all began in my early teens when I grabbed my mom’s

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Birding at Nahanton Park

No doubt that Newton is a wonderful place for people to live. But as a heavily built up suburb, it is limited to how much suitable habitat is available for

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A New Maintenance Crew in the Old Deer Park

The deer herd that used to live in the “Deer Park” section of Webster Conservation Area has been gone for several years. Since then, vegetation, much of it invasive, has

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September 2017: Identify This Place

Win a free one-year Conservators membership for yourself or a friend. This will be a two-part contest. Part 1: Take a photo showing the Charles River that you took from

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2017 Positions on Preservation from the Newton Conservators and the Candidates for Mayor

In July 2017, the Board of Directors of the Newton Conservators wrote to each candidate for Mayor of Newton, stating the board’s position on the preservation of Webster Woods. The

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