Heartbreak Hill Park



The former MWRA “Waban Hill Reservoir” is located on a hill overlooking Boston College (and not in the Waban neighborhood).  Newton acquired the property in 2015 and turned it into a park which includes an accessible trail around the perimeter of the reservoir, as well as a small grass playing area.


Size: 5 acres    Longest Walk: 0.4 miles    Acquired: 2015



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City of Newton purchased the site and began construction of the reservoir.


City sold the reservoir to the Boston Metropolitan Water Board (predecessor of the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority–MWRA).


The MWRA declared the reservoir to be surplus. The site was offered to the City of Newton for purchase at a price that did not reflect the development potential of the land, provided that the City would dedicate the land as open space.


Acquired by City of Newton using CPA funds, subject to conservation restriction held by Newton Conservators


Accessible Trails, Historic Site, MBTA Green Line, Scenic View

Additional Information

Newton Assessor’s Map ID: 63007 0001


