Archive of Past Events

Cornell Bird Lab eBird Global Big Day

Cornell Bird Lab eBird Global Big Day

Saturday, 05/04/2019    
All Day
  Join 30,000 birders from around the world in reporting bird sightings on Global Big Day.
Take a Real Hike: Discover the Newton Aqueducts

Take a Real Hike: Discover the Newton Aqueducts

Sunday, 04/28/2019    
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
A 5-mile hike through woods, meadows and fields along the Newton sections of the Sudbury and Cochituate aqueducts. This is a steady but not fast [...]
Houghton Garden Invasives Pull

Houghton Garden Invasives Pull

Sunday, 04/28/2019    
12:30 pm - 3:30 pm
A NewtonSERVES project (registration opens April 1 at the NewtonSERVES website) Help tackle the garlic mustard and black swallow-wort near the entrance of Houghton Garden [...]
Run of the Charles Paddling Race

Run of the Charles Paddling Race

Sunday, 04/28/2019    
10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Watch the races along the Charles from Commonwealth Avenue to Watertown Dam and beyond.
Invasives Pull at Blue Heron Bridge

Invasives Pull at Blue Heron Bridge

Sunday, 04/28/2019    
9:30 am - 12:00 pm
A NewtonSERVES project (registration opens April 1 at the NewtonSERVES website) We will work along the Charles River Greenway at this bridge site, and will [...]
Garlic Mustard Pull at Dolan Pond

Garlic Mustard Pull at Dolan Pond

Sunday, 04/28/2019    
9:30 am - 12:00 pm
A NewtonSERVES project (registration opens April 1 at the NewtonSERVES website) Come help us eradicate this soil-damaging invasive garlic mustard from this gem of a [...]
Cold Spring Park Invasives Pull

Cold Spring Park Invasives Pull

Sunday, 04/28/2019    
9:30 am - 12:00 pm
A NewtonSERVES project (registration opens April 1 at the NewtonSERVES website) Cold Spring Park is being invaded by garlic mustard, knotweed, buckthorn, and other species. [...]


Sunday, 04/28/2019    
9:00 am - 4:00 pm
  NewtonSERVES is a Day of Community Service that brings together over 1,000 volunteers of all ages to complete more than 50 community projects for [...]
Spring Tree Tour of Newton Cemetery

Spring Tree Tour of Newton Cemetery

Saturday, 04/27/2019    
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
Join Newton Cemetery arborist Robert Reardon for a tour highlighting the unusual tree species found in Newton Cemetery. Learn more about the cemetery
Hemlock Gorge Spring Cleanup

Hemlock Gorge Spring Cleanup

Saturday, 04/27/2019    
9:30 am - 12:00 pm
Help clean up Hemlock Gorge during the Friends of Hemlock Gorge Annual Spring Cleanup.
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