Dolan Pond

Mother Nature in Newton
Check out Richard Primack’s Newton Tab article, “Newton nature enthusiasts flock to local parks to see wildlife” which details a few of the interesting wildlife experiences in Newton during these

Nature at Dolan Pond
On a recent Fall morning, a committee of Conservators board members, armed with a copy of the 1995 naturalist report by John Richardson, went exploring the back areas of the

Update on Dolan Pond CPA Aquisition of Forte Property – 2004
This summer was a busy one relative to the CPA acquisition at 76 Webster Park, adjacent to the Dolan Pond Conservation Area, with a number of hearings and meetings on

Update on Dolan Pond CPA Acquisition of Forte Property – 2003
This month will finally witness the culmination of a long process, the acquisition of the 1.1-acre property at 76 Webster Park in West Newton, directly adjacent to the Dolan Pond

Addition to Dolan Pond to Become a Reality
Funding from Community Preservation Act Before she passed away in January of this year at age 104, Irene Forte had expressed a desire that much of her property be preserved