Hemlock Gorge

Blue Heron Trail: Current and Future Links
The DCR Blue Heron Trail will someday extend from the Charles River Reservation at Watertown Square to Millennium Park in Boston’s West Roxbury neighborhood. Large portions of the trail are

Hemlock Gorge Dam Reconstruction
Low water flow over the Circular Dam in Hemlock GorgeThe circular dam from under the Route 9 bridgeThe dam from abovePhoto by Kenneth MalloryPhoto by Kenneth MalloryWalk past the circular

Echo Bridge: A Poem
Go if you will, in your season’s choice Seek out this old bridge of the past Stand in its beauty, lend it your voice Forever, its echo will last. Go

Preserving Echo Bridge
As part of our planning for the aqueducts in Newton, we cannot omit Echo Bridge. This distinctive viaduct carried water for decades across the Charles River in Newton Upper Falls