
Garlic Mustard
Garlic Mustard Lush groundcover with 1-3′ stalk with pretty little white flowers at top. After flowering, antler-like seed pods then grow large. Base leaves and first year plant leaves are

Winged Euonymus (“Burning Bush”)
Identification Shrub growing large, with opposite leaves and tiny flowers and berries. Most easily identified by its ridged branches and stems, resembling “wings”. Turns bright red in fall if growing

Bush Honeysuckle
Identification A woody shrub that escaped from garden plots and can grow very large, with opposite leaves, and opposite pairs of little flowers and little berries. To distinguish it from

Privet (Ligustrum spp)
Identification Another escapee from residential hedges, dispersed by seed-eating birds. Leaves are small and leathery, opposite on the stem, elliptical to oval. Flowers are small white racemes in June.