
Ellen Foust
Ellen Foust is a fine art photographer with a passion for teaching. Since 2018, she has been exploring the clouds at Newton’s Bullough’s Pond. Like Monet with his haystack paintings,

New Trail and Intersection Markers in Webster Conservation Area and Hammond Pond Reservation
Walkers in Webster Conservation Area and Hammond Pond Reservation should now have an easier time finding their way, thanks to a collaborative effort of the Newton Conservators with Jennifer Steel

June 7, 2022 Newton Open Space Project Meeting
This Parks, Recreation, and Culture Commission online meeting is your chance to learn about the three sites proposed for a performance pavilion on the Newton Centre Playground (a landscape designed

Who’s In Charge Around Here?
The 42 properties described on this website are owned, managed, and supported by many different government, conservation, and advocacy organizations. A new page on the website provides a quick summary

Grant Helps Upper Falls Greenway
The MassWorks Infrastructure Grant Program awarded a $396,500 grant on February 20, 2020 to the City of Newton for design and engineering work that will jumpstart an extension of the

An Unofficial Walking Route in Upper Falls
Put on your hiking boots and prepare to do a little scrambling along the future route of a loop trail that someday may connect the Upper Falls Greenway with several

Unpaving a Parking Lot
They paved paradise And put up a parking lot They took all the trees Put ’em in a tree museum And they charged the people A dollar and a half

Webster Woods Trails
Many years ago, colored blazes were marked on four loop trails that go through portions of Webster Woods and the Hammond Pond Reservation. This map shows the routes of these