Photo Essay

Recent Photos
Some photos added to the website in 2019… (click any photo to open a slide show) Panoramic view of the salt storage area in Webster Woods Bare Pond in Webster

Boston’s Changing Skyline from Millennium Park
The four tallest buildings on the Boston skyline are visible from the top of Millennium Park. But the view has changed considerably since the park opened in 2000. Then, only

Unpaving a Parking Lot
They paved paradise And put up a parking lot They took all the trees Put ’em in a tree museum And they charged the people A dollar and a half

A Paddle Around Crystal Lake
Conservators Director Mike Clarke took an early-spring paddle around Crystal Lake in a wooden canoe that he built. Watch a video of the trip

A Eurasian Teal in Cold Spring Park
In the spring of 2009, a Eurasian teal made a rare visit to Cold Spring park. Read about the visit in our Summer 2009 newsletter. Click on a photo to
Newton Community Farm photos by Margaret and Kenneth Mallory
Margaret Mallory and her husband Kenneth have been active with the Newton Community Farm for many years. Margaret’s photos were showcased at the Newton Community Farm’s 10th anniversary celebration on

The Blue Heron Trail in Waltham
A section of the DCR Blue Heron Trail extends from the Moody Street Bridge in Waltham south to DCR’s Forest Grove Reservation, which in turn connects to Auburndale Park in

Cecropia Moths
Cecropia moths are native to the US and are found throughout New England but are rare in densely settled areas like Newton, probably because the adults require large tracts of

Cedar Waxwings
These svelte and lovely, quiet birds can be seen during most of the year in Newton. During the winter they associate in loose flocks and dine on ripe fruits, including

The Fish Are Biting
A fisherman had a good day along the Charles just below the Watertown Dam A 14-pound carp is caught The carp is released Seagulls hunt for herring and alewives at