
Questions for City Council Candidates 2019
The mission of the Newton Conservators is to promote “the protection and preservation of natural areas … for the enjoyment and benefit of the people of Newton for scientific study,

Sudbury Aqueduct Petition
The Massachusetts Water Resources Authority owns the Sudbury Aqueduct, which still serves as a backup link in the water supply system for metropolitan Boston. The MWRA is now allowing cities and

Newton’s Aqueducts: Preserving Our Historic Green Pathways
This 2006 program takes viewers on a tour of Newton’s Aqueduct pathways, highlighting both their special joys and the need to preserve these beautiful greenways for future generations. Beautiful footage

Why We Care About Newton’s Aqueducts
Newton’s two aqueducts form the sides of a triangle, entering the city across the Charles River in Waban and Upper Falls about a mile apart, and continuing to Four Corners,