
NORTHERN SHRIKE, Lanius excubitor
February The northern shrike is an occasional winter visitor in the Newton area. Look for it in an open area, perched on a fence post or exposed tree limb watching

January A winter visitor in our area, less common and smaller than the white-breasted nuthatch. It prefers coniferous woods but comes to feeders occasionally. It moves headfirst down tree trunks,

Owls in Newton
Are there any owls in Newton ? Yes, there are at least two species regularly residing in the city, but as nocturnal creatures, they are more often heard than seen.

EASTERN SCREECH OWL, Megascops asio (or Otus asio)
October The Eastern Screech Owl is a year-round inhabitant of Newton. It comes in two colors, red or gray. You’ll rarely see it during daylight hours unless you’re lucky enough

COMMON NIGHTHAWK, Chordeiles minor
August In past years one could often see and hear the common nighthawk as it circled in the glow of streetlights, picking off moths and other insects attracted by the

March The American Woodcock is most noticeable during its remarkable mating display, beginning in March as snow clears from overgrown fields. Check the meadows in Nahanton Park. At dusk, the

December The White-winged Crossbill is an occasional winter visitor to the Newton area. It uses its crossed mandibles to pry open cones of spruce and hemlock, extracting seeds with its

RUDDY DUCK, Oxyura jamaicensis
November Late fall is the best time to see this lively little freshwater duck. Along with other waterfowl, it migrates south through our region in November. It is most often

CEDAR WAXWING, Bombycilla cedrorum
September The Cedar Waxwing is a year-round bird in Massachusetts, often seen in September feeding on fruit left hanging on bare trees. It travels in flocks, moving from tree to

GREEN HERON, Butorides virescens
June A Green Heron is a slender, long-legged bird found standing upright at the water’s edge in ponds in the Newton Cemetery or at Dolan Pond. It may be partly

Cedar Waxwings
These svelte and lovely, quiet birds can be seen during most of the year in Newton. During the winter they associate in loose flocks and dine on ripe fruits, including

The Birds at My Feeder
Pete Gilmore It’s the time of year to get your bird feeders active again. The birds are coming under survival pressure as food gets harder to find. It helps to