
Tree of Heaven
Identification A fast growing tree that can reach 80′ – 100′ tall, often found at woodland edges or openings and urban alleyways where it grows to get sun – it

Porcelain Berry
Identification Vine in the grape family but with much more incised leaves giving a frilly appearance. Â It climbs up into trees, carpeting them with dense foliage that prevents the trees’

Norway Maple
Identification Most of the older street trees in Newton are Norway Maples; the prolific seeds have escaped into woods and unmanaged areas. Snap a leaf stem (petiole) off and look

Multiflora Rose
Identification Long arching canes with scratchy large thorns that bend backwards. Groups of flowers (i.e. multi-flora), white to white-pink, forming multi fruits or rose hips. The compound leaves are alternate

Lesser Celandine (Ranunculus ficaria)
Identification A spring ephemeral, perennial and aggressive ground cover. Â Yellow spring flowers have 8 petals. Â Glossy leaves. Â It forms dense spreading masses, through underground bulblets/tubers. It must not be confused

Japanese Knotweed
Identification Bamboo-like jungle forming with green hollow vertical stems with purplish joints. Characteristics Spreads from the “knots” or underground rhizomes and root systems, also by seed, also dispersed by floods

Goutweed (Aegopodium)
Identification Also called Bishopsweed, this is a perennial herb groundcover from Europe and Asia, spreading by underground rhizomes. Â Forms lush carpets of 1′ tall green. Â In summer puts up 3′

Glossy Buckthorn
Identification Deciduous shrub or small tree. Leaves simple, oval with point, 10-12 pairs of veins parallel to each other. Bark gray with yellowish spotted lenticils. Scratched twig has yellow layer

Common Buckthorn
Identification Small tree or shrub, with oval slightly toothed leaves. Leaf has 3-5 pairs of veins that curve to be parallel to the edge of the leaf. The bark is

Black Swallow-wort
Identification Black Swallow-wort is a perennial vine from Europe that emerges in June. Â It has somewhat glossy, opposite leaves (i.e. the leaves are in pairs exactly opposite to each

Barberry (Berberis thunbergii, Berberis vulgaris)
Identification Both Japanese barberry and common barberry (from Europe) are escapees from gardens, where they have become well established even though no longer for sale. Â Long arching canes of small

Asiatic Bittersweet
Identification A woody vine (aka liana) that climbs and strangles trees. Leaves are oval, variable but always with a short pointed tip, and are alternate along the stem. There are