
Newton Becoming More Dog Friendly
Ted Kuklinski Newton has approximately 3,500 licensed dogs (and perhaps at least twice as many currently unlicensed), making dog owners one of the largest user groups of Newton’s green spaces.

Advice About Invasive Plants
Did you know that you may have invasive plants in your garden? There are quite a few here in New England. They are dangerous because they spread into natural areas

Bike Tour de Newton
The “Tour de Newton” is an 18-mile bike trip through Newton. It begins and ends in Nahanton Park. Bike tour one page printable cue sheet Large (3MB) pdf file containing

Trees and Wires: Bad Mix
A tree pruning crew from Nstar, one of the utilities that own the telephone and electric wires in our streets, came to Auburndale in early August 2010 to clear branches.

Fern Walk at Flowed Meadow
A group of ardent notetakers walked through Flowed Meadow in Auburndale with fern guru Don Lubin on June 5, 2010. Ten species of fern – Bracken, Hayscented, Cinnamon, Royal, Sensitive,

Vernal Pool Walk in Webster Woods
Newton Conservators Board of Advisors member Jon Regosin, a biologist with the Massachusetts Natural Heritage and Endangered Species program led a wonderful program at Bare Pond in Webster Woods on

Invasives Pulls are a Success
The first invasives pulls of 2010 were held in Cold Spring Park, Auburndale Cove, Sawmill Brook, and Dolan Pond. Conservators Board member Katherine Howard, Conservators Board of Advisors member Eric

It’s WAR – on Plant Invaders
by Katherine Howard Garlic mustard, a leading plant invader, is now in your backyard, along your favorite walks, virtually everywhere in Newton! The problem will get worse and worse if

Rail-to-Trail Greenway Proposed
An old former rail corridor and bridge over the Charles River offers the potential to provide excellent recreational and smart growth opportunities to benefit the residents of Newton, including Lower

Conservators Recommend Open Space Priorities – 2008
The Newton Community Preservation Committee has held public meetings to hear how Newton residents want CPA funds spent. These meetings are important: they provide guidance to the CPC in its

Crystal Lake Land Purchases
In May 2007, the City of Newton acquired by eminent domain the lakeshore property at 20 Rogers Street. The city had previously been in negotiations to buy the land from

Mayor Secures Crystal Lake Beach Expansion
The public beach at Crystal Lake got a boost in early 2007 with the acquisition of the adjacent Hannon property, to expand the heavily-used site. Now an additional adjacent property,