
Seedling Sale May 20 & 21
Newton Community Farm is offering over 27,000 seedlings grown at the Farm on Saturday, May 20 and Sunday, May 21, 2023. In addition to nearly 100 varieties of plants, there

Sign Up for Our Fall Webinars
Newton Conservators is pleased to present its first ever online webinar series. In past years, we welcomed you to fall walks in Newton’s open spaces. With continuing concerns for social

Places to go . . .
Are you looking for something to do with your kids? Being out in nature, sharing open space with all the plants and animals that live there, can help to entertain

WINTERBERRY, Ilex verticillata
November Winterberry grows to be six to 10 feet high. You will find winterberry in both wet and dry soils in woodlands, swamps, bogs and along the edges of ponds.

September ASTERS have star-shaped flower heads. There are many different kinds of aster and most of them bloom in late summer or early fall. A common aster of woods and

CARDINAL FLOWER, Lobelia cardinalis
August Cardinal flower is a striking plant standing two to five feet tall. It has scarlet petals the color of a cardinal’s robe. The flower is a long tube with

SPOTTED WINTERGREEN, Chimaphila maculata
July Spotted Wintergreen, also known as striped prince’s-pine or pipsissewa, is an attractive sub-shrub of the forest floor conspicuous by its waxy, dark green leaves, which have a white stripe

LITTLE WOOD SATYR, Megisto cymela
June At the woodland edge, near meadows and fields, look for the little wood satyr, which is a member of the brushfoot family of butterflies. Its brown wings span about

JACK-IN-THE-PULPIT, Arisaema triphyllum
May Jack-in-the-Pulpit is a spectacular plant common in moist woods. It grows one to three feet high. The flower consists of a green- and purple-striped canopy over a spathe or

SPICEBUSH, Lindera benzoin
April Spicebush is a fairly common large shrub in the understory near streams and in lowlands. Spicebush grows slowly, reaching up to 10 feet high and two to eight feet

TROUT LILY, Erythronium americanum
May Trout Lily is also known as dogtooth violet or yellow adder’s tongue. It grows in colonies in moist woods. Yellow, nodding flowers are carried singly above the basal mottled

SHADBUSH, Amelanchier canadensis
April Shadbush is a multi-stemmed, vase-shaped shrub, the smallest of the many serviceberry species, which grows to be 10 to 20 feet high and five to 10 feet wide. Shadbush