Almanac Excerpt

GREAT HORNED OWL, Bubo virginianus
December In some years during early morning hours of the Christmas Bird Count, the owl team has located as many as three or four great horned owls within the city

WINTERBERRY, Ilex verticillata
November Winterberry grows to be six to 10 feet high. You will find winterberry in both wet and dry soils in woodlands, swamps, bogs and along the edges of ponds.

SUGAR MAPLE, Acer saccharum
October Sugar maple is the classic New England maple tree. Its five-lobed dark green leaves turn a brilliant yellow, crimson and scarlet color in the fall. Sugar maple grows to

September ASTERS have star-shaped flower heads. There are many different kinds of aster and most of them bloom in late summer or early fall. A common aster of woods and

CARDINAL FLOWER, Lobelia cardinalis
August Cardinal flower is a striking plant standing two to five feet tall. It has scarlet petals the color of a cardinal’s robe. The flower is a long tube with

SPOTTED WINTERGREEN, Chimaphila maculata
July Spotted Wintergreen, also known as striped prince’s-pine or pipsissewa, is an attractive sub-shrub of the forest floor conspicuous by its waxy, dark green leaves, which have a white stripe

LITTLE WOOD SATYR, Megisto cymela
June At the woodland edge, near meadows and fields, look for the little wood satyr, which is a member of the brushfoot family of butterflies. Its brown wings span about

JACK-IN-THE-PULPIT, Arisaema triphyllum
May Jack-in-the-Pulpit is a spectacular plant common in moist woods. It grows one to three feet high. The flower consists of a green- and purple-striped canopy over a spathe or

SPICEBUSH, Lindera benzoin
April Spicebush is a fairly common large shrub in the understory near streams and in lowlands. Spicebush grows slowly, reaching up to 10 feet high and two to eight feet

HOODED MERGANSER, Lophodytes cucullatus
March This handsome diving-duck appears in small groups soon after the ice has cleared on bodies of fresh water such as Bullough’s Pond or Crystal Lake. Both the male and

NORTHERN SHRIKE, Lanius excubitor
February The northern shrike is an occasional winter visitor in the Newton area. Look for it in an open area, perched on a fence post or exposed tree limb watching

January A winter visitor in our area, less common and smaller than the white-breasted nuthatch. It prefers coniferous woods but comes to feeders occasionally. It moves headfirst down tree trunks,